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Early bird catches benefits!

It is currently 6:30 a.m. and I am at the Rec. Last night I dreaded being here because I worked the 9 p.m. to midnight shift. To be back at 6 a.m. wasn't the most appealing to me but I made it. I'm here and feeling fine. (I think later it is going to hit in my science lab but for now, we're doing


I have almost always been in a good mood when I start my mornings early. There is something about being up early, before the sun, before most Americans that give me this sense of accomplishment, peace, and motivation to keep going. I also love crossing paths with other morning people. There is this unspoken "You go" shared between us and it's so filling. Since I tend to feel better about waking up early I looked up some "stuff" as to why i feel this way and what others think. I found a nice article that shared similar beneficial reasons to mine as to why waking up early made Leo Babauta feel better. Besides just feeling good and getting stuff done I was curious as if there were actual health benefits. I do believe that being up early and getting things done correlates to feeling better because one could have less stress and quiet time. After some research I found The Top 7 Benefits of Waking Up Early. One of the points the article went over was having a healthier diet. When you wake up earlier you have more time to make a balanced breakfast and eat it. Those who are late risers tend to miss breakfast which is essential for getting the proper nutrients and energy to go through a day. A second point, being up early enhances productivity given the fact that you are up with little to no distractions, making it easier to get tasks completed. In my opinion the MOST important, IT IMPROVES MENTAL HEALTH. This one is not always talked about but is so crucial. It is often said that you set the tone for your day and if you have the time and tools to start it properly, the rest of your day tends to go more smoothly. In the article they said, "Studies have shown “morning people” are often more positive, more optimistic and more likely to experience satisfaction in their lives." Who wouldn't want that?! Three: getting a morning workout in. Right when you wake up if you are committed to going to the gym there is another "good day booster." In the mornings you don't have distractions and you are awake and able to get to the gym to cruuuushh it! The article also said that early risers have a good sleep routine. I cannot confirm or deny that. From experience mine is still messy (so if ya got tips, send em my way!). Finally waking up early helps you enjoy the quiet time, I find this this is so so true. Even just my walk from my dorm to the gym gets me in a good mood. The quiet of the morning and the crisp winter air puts me at peace. So in conclusion, waking up early is better for your health, both physical and mental. If that doesn't sound like a plan to you, start with small steps. Wake up 15 minutes earlier every morning until you find 'your time.' As always, thank you so much for taking time to read my thoughts and I hope they helped you in some way. Let me know if you are a morning person or enjoy sleeping in! ​-E

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